Dizziness & Vertigo Holland, MI


Do you often feel dizzy and want some help?

Full Potential Physical Therapy can assist you!

Do you experience dizziness regularly, making you feel like you might stumble or fall? Dizziness can feel like your balance is off, or it might make you feel lightheaded like you’re about to faint, or that your head is spinning. To make it better, we first need to find out what’s causing it.

If you’ve been dealing with dizziness and want some relief, our skilled physical therapists in Holland, MI can help you find a solution that lasts. Set up an appointment with Full Potential Physical Therapy to get the help you need for your dizziness.

Causes and Solutions for Dizziness


Do you wonder if there are other symptoms that come with dizziness? There are many things that can make you dizzy. Some people feel dizzy because they didn’t get enough sleep, ate poorly, did too much exercise, or have an illness like a head cold or the flu. Even things like alcohol or certain medicines can make you feel dizzy.

Things like orthostatic hypotension (which occurs when you stand up too fast after lying or sitting for a long time), issues with your eyes, or migraines can also cause dizziness.

When you feel dizzy, you might also experience other things like:

  • Feeling like you’re going to faint
  • Seeing things like you’re looking through a tunnel
  • Feeling heavy-headed or light-headed
  • Feeling like you might throw up
  • Not being steady on your feet

The best way to figure out what’s causing your dizziness is to see a physical therapist. They can also help you find any other problems that might be making your condition worse.

How can physical therapy help with dizziness?

Physical therapy is a great way to deal with dizziness. Our expert physical therapists are experienced in helping people with dizziness, lightheadedness, and other balance problems.

Our physical therapists will look at your body and your medical history to create a plan that’s just right for you. We use methods that we know work and have been studied by experts. After we determine the cause of your dizziness, we will custom-tailor a program that’s all about you. It usually includes exercises, hands-on therapy, and information to help you get better.

We mainly focus on:

  • Making your balance better: One common reason for dizziness is something in your inner ear called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). We can help with special head and body movements that put things back in place and stop you from feeling dizzy.
  • Doing balance exercises and exercises that help your brain and nerves work better, so you don’t feel as dizzy.
  • Checking other things in your body, like your eyes and ears, and sometimes, we’ll ask other doctors like heart doctors to make sure there are no big problems. We’ll also look at your medicine to make sure it’s safe for you.

If you’re dealing with dizziness, get in touch with us today. Our team is here to help you feel better.

Reclaim your life from your dizziness symptoms

Ready to get back to your normal life? Contact our Holland, MI physical therapy clinic to find relief from dizziness. Dizziness can mess up your day and make simple things harder. But we can help. Our physical therapists have a lot of experience in finding out what’s wrong and making it better.

Our experts will look at your condition and suggest ways to help you while making sure you can do more of the things you like. Set up an appointment with our Holland, MI physical therapy clinic, and we’ll help you feel steady and well again!

A Better Life is Only Four Steps Away

Physical therapy can be an unfamiliar experience for many. To orient new patients to the process, we have divided their rehab journey into four segments called “The Four Phases of Getting Better.” It is important to note that while there are four phases utilized over the course of your care, they are not totally separate. They move gradually toward greater strengthening and function, which is the end goal to return confidently to the life you desire to live.


Pain Relief

The first focus in getting better is pain relief. After your evaluation, your physical therapist will use hands-on techniques or manual therapy, light therapeutic exercise, and education on how to modify your activity and posture in order to give you more control over your pain. In this stage, modalities like ice, heat, myofascial release, electric stimulation and kinesiotape may be used.


Improve Mobility/Flexibility

The second step in this method is to improve mobility and flexibility. Your therapist will design a progressive program of range of motion and light stretching to restore mobility and reduce pain.


Improve Strength/Control

In the third step of this method, muscle weakness will be addressed to help you maintain the gains and momentum you achieve through phases one and two. A thorough strengthening process is the step that gives results that last, and this will prepare you for more functional training – the final step.


Functional Training

Now that your pain is resolved and you have the necessary mobility and strength, your program can be advanced into functional training. Whether you are returning to work, returning to life after post-op rehabilitation, getting back into recreation or sports, or simply returning to the activities of daily life, this step helps ensure your success after graduation and empowers you to be confident in your abilities again.

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